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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Jeff Utecht and David Carpenter  SOS episode 11: How to connect technology and classrooms seemlessly  Shifting Our Schools 
 2. Jeff Utecht and David Carpenter  SOS episode 11: How to connect technology and classrooms seemlessly  Shifting Our Schools 
 3. Internet Caucus Advisory Committee  How has technology and the Internet changed the way we connect, contribute, and communicate?  Congress Hears Tech Policy Debates 
 4. Internet Caucus Advisory Committee  How has technology and the Internet changed the way we connect, contribute, and communicate?  Congress Hears Tech Policy Debates 
 5. Christopher Essex  Episode 18 - Connect with Your Students Using Tech!  Teach with Tech 
 6. Chemical Heritage Foundation  Invisible Technology - Episode 12 - 2/29/08  Distillations Podcast 
 7. The Absolute Peach  TAP Mini Shows Episode 2: Technology  The Absolute Peach 
 8. Josh Chandler  Technology Gazette Episode 2- Old People on Myspace, whatever next?  Technology Gazette 
 9. Hill associates - Mark and Trevor  tHAWT Episode #152: Keep abreast of Swine Flu with technology  Hill Associates - Living in a connected world : tHAWT 
 10. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 106 - Factors Influencing Technology Adoption  The PMO Podcast 
 11. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 106 - Factors Influencing Technology Adoption  The PMO Podcast 
 12. Linking Technology and Society - Intel Chip Chat - Episode 56  Linking Technology and Society - Intel Chip Chat - Episode 56  Linking Technology and Society - Intel Chip Chat - Episode 56 
 13. Intel Chip Chat - Powered by Connected Social Media  Linking Technology and Society II - Intel Chip Chat - Episode 57  Intel Chip Chat - Powered by Connected Social Media 
 14. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast167: From Hand It In to Publish It: Re-Envisioning Our Classrooms by Will Richardson  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 15. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast199: How to Create Bully Free Classrooms and Schools by Dr. Allan L. Beane  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 16. Cory Doctorow  Technology giveth, technology taketh away  http://delicategeniusblog.com 
 17. Anemone & Clever  Connect Four Low   
 18. Common Market  Connect For  Common Market Mastered  
 19. Floating Action  To Connect  Floating Action  
 20. Common Market  Connect For  Common Market Mastered  
 21. Christine Moritz  Only Connect   
 22. Blisaed  Connect   
 23. Plexura vs. Iridium  Not Connect  Iridium Metastate 
 24. blisaed  connect  monotonik in '03 :) 
 25. blisaed  connect  monotonik in '03 :) 
 26. Blisaed  Connect   
 27. Allen Speegle  A God You Can Connect To  A God You Can Connect To 
 28. DJ ElfOnTheTree  Connect  Summer 
 29. Christine Moritz  Only Connect   
 30. mixed by Lars Behrenroth  Mix 4 Connect  http://www.deepershades.net 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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